Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Discussions to avoid at work!

You might be spending a better part of your day in the office and most of your friends are your colleagues, however, the discussions you should have with them within the confines of the office should be work-related.

As a result of the close friendship with colleagues at work, people tend to open up on personal issues that are meant to be kept confidential. Such discussions make employees lose concentration and focus on the work at hand. Moreover, the main objectives of the organization in the long run might not be achieved.

Professionalism should be maintained at work and personal discussions left till after work hours. Such discussions can lead to arguments, uproar or create an avenue for gossip to spread. Talking about such issues can lead to a needless debate, which can divert your attention from your responsibilities and those of your colleagues. Also, not everyone will want to listen to such things.
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Such discussions have consequences that might affect you; they can tarnish your reputation or damage your chances of promotion. Sometimes they can get you fired. At the very least, they can cause co-workers to avoid or dislike you.

Experts have pointed out some issues which should never be discussed at work.

Sexual exploits

Experts say no one is interested in listening to what you and your partner did last night in bed. Sex should never be a topic of discussion at work because your partner probably will not be happy that you are relating intimate details of your sex life to others and such discussions might make other co-workers feel uncomfortable. Even talking about sex or sexual preferences can be interpreted as sexual harassment, which is something you obviously want to avoid. A marketer of Megabound Investments, Mrs. Foluso Ogundiwin, says, “Sexual relationships should be kept away from work because they are intimate issues and nobody’s business. Besides, it does not add value nor improve productivity.”


Experts say religious beliefs or individual thoughts and discussions at work should be avoided because they are sensitive issues. Religion is a very personal issue and people are very sensitive about it. People will not want to hear that you disagree with their religious beliefs or that you believe your religion is the one in which everyone should believe. Such discussions will give the impression that you are harassing or discriminating against other people based on their religious beliefs. Furthermore, talking about religion can prompt volatile disputes that will keep everyone from doing their job. It opens the company as well as the employees up to possible lawsuits and creates a needless havoc.

Family problems

Professionals say talking about the problems you have with your family will reveal your weaknesses. When you discuss problems you are having with others, your co-workers and your boss may wonder if those problems are distracting you from doing your job. You should not do this, especially if you are in a position of authority. The Managing Director of Bestway Corporate Services, Mr. Victor Abayomi, says, “The office is strictly a business place; therefore, marital issues should be kept away from it. It also brings disrespect to the person involved.”

Health problems

Experts say major health problems should not be talked about at work. If you do, you will give your colleagues and boss a reason to question your competence for the job. However, serious health issues that will cause you to take permission off work must be discussed with your employer. But details of your health should be kept between you, your spouse and your doctor.

A career planning professional with two decades of experience, Dawn Rosenberg McKay, says the following discussions should also not be encouraged in the office:

Career aspirations

Talking about how you want to move on to something bigger and better will certainly, for good reason, make your boss and co-workers to question your loyalty to your current job. If you are interested in moving up within your current organisation, your actions will speak louder than words. Do your job exceptionally well, and of course, let your boss know you want to move up, but don’t make it the topic of workplace conversations with anyone.


This is another sensitive issue, particularly around election time. While you may feel very strongly about your political party or candidate, or have negative views about the opposition, you should not try to win your co-workers over to your point of view. Discussions on the latest legislation passed by the congress is not bad, but care must be taken to avoid preaching about your political beliefs to your co-workers. First, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you don’t want to offend anyone. Secondly, politics is as personal and as hotly debated as religion and it will detract from your work. Keep your political affiliation to yourself and concentrate on other matters.


Experts say it is a rule of thumb to never discuss salary at work. You might be making more or less than the guy at the next office, and you do not want to start a wave of jealousy or anger. Not only that, but you should not talk about benefits, potential raises or anything else work-related other than your specific job. If you are planning on leaving your company for a better job, keep it to yourself until you have handed in your resignation because you do not want things like that getting back to your boss, who probably will not be pleased with your decision.


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